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Proper gas line installations, vents and monitoring devices are often lacking for water heaters and stoves in the country. There have been several cases of such deaths in Mexico due to poisoning by carbon monoxide or other gases. In a statement to CBS News Los Angeles, Henar Gil, the general manager of the Rancho Pescadero, said, 'We can confirm there was no evidence of violence related to this situation, and we are not aware of any threat to guests' safety or wellbeing.' Embassy in Mexico City was not able to immediately confirm the names or hometowns of the victims due to privacy considerations.

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The nutritional supplements company LES Labs, based in Covina, California, lists Heathco as its founder. Prosecutors said Lutz and Heathco were from Newport Beach, California. According to a GoFundMe set up on behalf of the family, Lutz was supposed to meet up with her dad this week for Father's Day.

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